Stonewater House


The sunshine is bright and the warm breezes are inviting you to enjoy the summer in all its splendor. Stonewater invites you to enjoy it all from home in this breath-taking new home for FaMESHed.

Stonewater is a beautiful three room floor plan with a long hallway for easy access among two of the rooms. Tall windows to let you soak in the wonderful views from every area of the home. Spacious rooms for comfortable living. Natural materials throughout the home.

The front of the home has a pool with a gentle flow of water cascading down. Single, cuddle and adult animations. A small space for seating, the sofa seats up to six people and has animations for male and female. Perfect for outdoor entertainment.


Footage: 42,1 x 37.7
Land Impact: 82
copy/modify yes (script are not mod)
no transfer

Stonewater House is available PG & ADULT version.

To start to use Menu please sit into the swimming pool water

n° 24 Single animations (swimming pool)
n° 4 Water Jump!
n° 23 Single sit female/male (sofa) UP 6 avatars
n° 43 Cuddle couple animations
n° 83 Sex Couple animations
n° 6 FF animations
n° 3 MM animations

n° 24 Single animations (swimming pool)
n° 4 Water Jump!
n° 23 Single sit female/male (sofa) UP 6 avatars
n° 43 Cuddle couple animations

touch first little pillow on the left
Textures available: white/black for each pillow/seat

Near swimming pool there is a switch to change color/intensity/access

Feel to free to use your textures to change ground terrain : (sand-snow -moss ect)