New Release @ Equal10 {April 10th to May 5th}
Spring weather beckons for us to enjoy the outdoors sitting or laying on a blanket under a tree reading a book or sharing memories with family or friends. Now imagine these beautiful graceful trees near a river or any stream of water with their long delicate weeping branches as they dangle and flutter in the wind offering the perfect setting and ambiance.
We are delighted to bring you the Weeping Willow Collection. The newest landscaping set that aims to beauty your lawns. Trees are in three sizes, adult, mature and sapling with wind and sound that can be turned on and off and resized via the menu accessed by touch.
Enjoy the outdoors!

Weeping Willow Collection Includes:
DaD “Weeping Willow Sapling 01” w wind AM c/m
DaD “Weeping Willow Sapling 01” w wind AB c/m
DaD “Weeping Willow Adult” w wind AM c/m
DaD “Weeping Willow Adult” w wind AB c/m
DaD “Weeping Willow Mature 01” w wind AM c/m
DaD “Weeping Willow Mature 01” w wind AB c/m
DaD “Weeping Willow Mature 02” w wind AM c/m
DaD “Weeping Willow Mature 02” w wind AB c/m
AM : Alpha Mask
AB: Alpha Blending
By touch you have a Menu with:
- Wind (on/off)
- Sound (on/off) & adjust volume
- Access: owner (default) – Group – Public –
- Resize: increase or decrease size – restore original size
Please note:
l.i. changes if you increase/decrease size