May 8th – 6th June

Do you love to get caught up in a story that has you reading for hours. Now imagine reading outdoors in a beautiful spot with lush greenery everywhere and you’re sitting there with your very own library. It’s filled with your favorite books.
The “Take a book, Share a book” is an outdoor library. Beautifully detailed tree trunks, high and low and carved out spaces holding the rarest of books. Tree trunks come with ivy, books and some cute poses with reading animations. The real beauty of this set is the ability to create your own library by adding titles and note cards containing stories.
We hope you love this new set.

One bookcases inside niche in the trunk
Single read animations with prop
l.i. 4 c/m
Two separate bookcases (one for each niche in the trunk)
Single read animations with prop
l.i. 8 c/m
How Work?
It is now very simple and intuitive to create your own library!
Upload notecards:
- Edit linked part and select the group of books (the tall library contains two separate libraries)
- You can rename each library or go to content and drag inside the notecards.
- You can decide the access (default is public) – you can add UUIDs of avatars in case you only want to add some people.
Single read animations w props.
These products are 100% original mesh.